Erica Suzanne Cook


Local ID80648
Admit Date09-25-2024
Admit Time5:54 AM
Housing LocationO04B-07
Confining AgencyHouston
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Offense Date 
Court Type 
Bond Type 
Charging Agency 
Arresting Agency 
UPCS 09-25-2024Judge Binford$1,000.00Standard BondDothan Police DepartmentDOTHAN POLICE DEPT - AL0380100
FALSE ID TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE 09-25-2024District$15,000.00Standard BondDothan Police DepartmentDOTHAN POLICE DEPT - AL0380100
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-FUCC 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G
Probation Violation-TOP 3rd Degree 10-01-2024Judge Steensland No BondAL Pardons and ParolesAL Pardon & Parole - AL061015G